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Charitable Donations Niagara


Niagara Marathons consists of two charitable events, Niagara Golf Marathon and Niagara Cycling Marathon, which bring much needed attention to charities across Niagara. In 2010, the Niagara Golf Marathon was created, where participants golf 100 holes in 1 day, which takes approx. 12 hours to complete.

The event began with 12 committed golfers and has grown to having 90 golfers in 2023. In 2021, the Niagara Cycling Marathon was created where participants ride 120km through scenic Niagara. This event has seen tremendous growth and saw 35 riders participate in 2023.

Frequently Asked Questions

We welcome everyone! If you are passionate about helping the community, and enjoying a great day while doing it, Niagara Marathons is excited to welcome you and your friends, family, or coworkers as part of our team of athletes.

Our list of donation recipients is constantly growing. Our major partners include Niagara Health Foundation, Community Care St. Catharines, Wellspring Niagara, Out Niagara, and many more!

If you’re looking to participate as a group of athletes, sponsor a group of athletes, or provide a monetary donation or a donation of in-kind services, you can reach out using our contact form available through the link at the top of the page.

If you are a charity looking to join our list of recipients, the charity application is available through the contact form at the link at the top of the page.

If you have experience or a desire to learn, join our team of volunteers and make a difference in our community!

If you have a passion for cycling, golf, or want a great deal on any one of our auction partners’ donations, check out our events page for this year’s lineup and ways to join!